Why should businesses embrace sustainability?

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Programs and Rebates

Sustainable Business Program ACT

ACT’s technical experts Climate Choices, provide free advice on ways to improve energy efficiency in your business. This includes transitioning off gas, upgrading to energy efficient equipment, installing solar panels and battery storage.

Tax Deductions for Small Businesses

The ATO provides tax deductions for the cost of eligible assets and improvements that support more efficient use of energy for small businesses up to $20,000.

Advancing Renewables Program

The Advancing Renewables Program provides businesses with funding or finance to develop renewable energy technologies.

Business Electric Vehicle Charger Rebates

Eligible businesses may receive rebates of up to 50% of the cost (capped at $3,000 excluding GST) for the purchase and installation of EV charging infrastructure at their business premises.

Energy Innovation Fund

The ACT Government offers grants to provide flexible, early-stage funding for energy innovation projects, initiatives and research.

The Australian Carbon Credit Unit

The Australian Carbon Credit Unit (ACCU) Scheme encourages people and businesses to run projects that reduce emissions or store carbon.


Climate Choices ACTAccess free, reliable and up-to-date information so you can live and work more comfortably in Canberra. Everyday Climate Choices is an initiative of the ACT Government.

Green Building Council AustraliaThe Green Building Council of Australia, work closely with members and industry partners to deliver the resources needed to support sustainable building goals. They publish various work to guide the industry toward more sustainable outcomes. Their publications include thought leadership papers, business cases, reports, guides and external research for industry.

Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and WaterThe DCCEEW look after Australia’s natural environment and heritage sites. They help Australia respond to climate change and carefully manage water and energy resources. The new department has been established to deliver on the Government’s climate change and energy agenda and protect Australia’s environment and water resources.

The Business Council of Sustainable DevelopmentBCSD Australia is a CEO-led organisation of more than 70 Australian businesses and non-governmental bodies working together to accelerate the transition to a sustainable world by aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and acting on climate change.

Business.gov.au Learn about environmental management, your legal obligations and the support available to help your reduce your business’s environmental impact.

Corporate Social Responsibility Group

Raffy Sgroi

Car Mechanical Services

Jonathan Dawson

Dawson Heating and Cooling

Michael Young


Rosetta Romano

University of Canberra

Daryn Stocks

EPC Solar

Greg Harford

Canberra Business Chamber