Policy & Advocacy
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Canberra Business Chamber leads the discussion on issues that affect business in the Canberra region, now and into the future.
Through regular engagement with our members – businesses, industry associations and community groups – we actively advocate for the ACT business community, engaging with Territory and Commonwealth Governments and the media.
As the trusted voice of business, we meet regularly with ACT and federal government Ministers, Shadow Ministers, Members of Parliament and senior public servants, and sit on advisory and consultative boards to government.
We develop policy submissions that outline the changes needed to make it easier to start and grow a business in Canberra.
Our policy agenda:
We’ve identified four key advocacy priorities:
- Fostering economic growth and diversity
- Skills and workforce development
- Improving government regulation and efficiency
- Ensuring sufficient support for small business
To ensure we’re reflecting the views of business and the community, we engage directly with our members through:
Our Policy Taskforce – a group of senior business leaders who develop policies to drive the Canberra economy.
Business Leaders Roundtables – regular forums to facilitate direct member access to the ACT and Commonwealth governments.
Kindred Member Forums – the ACT’s biggest network of CEOs from industry association and not-for-profit organisations, meeting regularly to share ideas, develop policies, and engage with government.
2020 Election Manifesto
Our 20-point program to drive economic recovery, upskill and provide jobs for Canberrans
2020 Policy Platform
As our membership grows, so does our ability to influence the environment to alleviate business concerns.
We develop policy submissions that outline the changes needed to make it easier to start and grow a business in Canberra.